Monday, November 9, 2020

Little by Slowly

Little by Slowly

Bob Komives

          November, 2016

I inch upward

little by slowly

from this ledge

near bottom

in this abyss

where earth gave way beneath me--

dropping further than I thought my land could drop.

I look up,

see a climb that will outlive me,

take notice in the dim

of varied walls and sides surrounding:

good sides,

bad sides,

sides with sheared and slippery walls,

sides where I could sculpt and garden,

sides where (little by slowly)

others climb.

They rise from below me.

They lead the way--way above me.

They pause alone to sculpt and garden.

Little by slowly

I shall climb to those nearby:

to those who will outlive abyss,

to those who will pull and push my old bones,

to those who need my stubbornness,

and to those who will feast from my memory

of what was earth above

before collapse.   

           November, 2020

Despite shrinking time and diminished strength,

I have returned 

from the abyss where earth gave way beneath me--

from where I looked up

to a climb I expected to outlive me.

There were shadows and voices

rising from below,

clinging above.


they would soothe then scold,

come then go,

pull then push.

They would ask then remind

of my memory 

of what was earth before collapse.


Little by slowly,

(so little so slowly)

(remote then sudden)

at brink

onto edge

I stand to see

beyond abyss

the great expanse


(both changed)

(both enhanced)

reality and memory now dance.

Fort Collins (c) 2020 :: Little by Slowly :: 1615


Bob Komives said...

email from DMU: It expresses so much of what I feel. The earth has surely shifted beneath my feet. I do not want to think of all the effort to climb out. I guess this is the denial stage. These old bones really don't want to do that. But do I must.

Bob Komives said...

email from JCK: I SO LOVE this poem! I cried, & felt hopeful & imagined me there, not alone, journeying upward.

Bob Komives said...

email from KKS: Captures the hard emotions very well... I can imagine that it's really hard to feel like things are going the wrong way and that you don't have time to try to stop it. But there's still some time! Build those gardens, inspire a few, and maybe we'll climb out faster...

Bob Komives said...

Facebook Comment by JBG: Beautifully puts into words some of my feelings today. Thanks!

Bob Komives said...

email from SV: Beautiful poem, Bob. Thanks for sharing. Here's to you outliving the climb.

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