Monday, December 12, 2016

Ode to Bollard

Oh, Bollards; Oh, Bollards.
Pillars of my community.
Through old-town alley and downtown street,
past art and fun,
in winter cold and summer heat,
you guide me,
protect me.
For my comings out and my goings in
you keep me out of harms way.
Ode to Bollard
Bob Komives 
Yet, do I notice? do I say? “Thank you, Bollard,” or even: “Bollard, good day!” No, Bollard; No, Bollards. At least, not until this morning when you helped me walk to museum (that has genius on display), to old town's square, then by that place of playful children. You kept me from traffic's hazards, ugly's dumpsters, then guided me on to hardware store for errand of the day. Oh, Bollards; Oh Bollards. Where buildings loom tall and cubical, (where straight streets abound) you too stand straight, but short, humble, round. Oh, Bollard; Oh, Bollards. While you are too noticed and familiar to Canis lupus familiaris, you are visibly invisible, unfamiliar, ignored, alien to Homo sapiens sapiens. Oh, Bollards; My Bollards. Pillars of my protection. Please take notice of my notice; please accept my affection.


Bob Komives :: Fort Collins © 2015 :: Ode To Bollard  :: 1504

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