Do choose well your timing.
We made no mistake to promise a better future,
at least, no mistake, to set such hope.
We did mistake to blame the past,
to forget
that past is not by blame undone.
It comes back in anger to ambush:
the promise not realized
blemish not obscured
war not ended
life, in death not replaced
design, in imitation perverted
adventure paused
experiment not perfected
success not humbly accepted
Thoughts on Coming Back and Going Back
Thoughts on Coming Back and Going Back
Bob Komives
His year ended in September,
headed back out on an airplane:
through suspended time
to apprentice languages
and still new countries
She found herself among the regulars,
sipped her beer,
wrote and watched,
listened to their strange words:
wishing to be of them
pleased to be outside
looking in
taking notes
the audience alone
drama and comedy
back and forth
a rush
a calm
floors swept
regular customers
back for their usual
out and gone forever
fly off to your new life in the Americas,
the lands of hope and prosperity
where you have lived fifty years.
Harvest the welcomes and rejections.
Start anew.
You were back three days
before the familiar knock
came back through your conscience wall:
what will you do?
how will you earn?
when will you answer?
and in answering
(just to answer)
what will you by default decide?
What will we be next year?
How long will we be?
If she writes poetry for a third year
has she come back a poet?
If he finishes his family's spoken history
has he returned an historian?
You help family and friend
if you come back with a better label:
for yourself, a better label.
Coming back or going back,
what we call you
is what we believe of you
in the little time we have to think of you.
I come back to what is familiar:
to skies
bluer than I can recall
to arms and smiles
missed more than I knew
to smells
I remember only when I walk into them
He came back because this is home,
the place he comes back to.
He came back here
because he had gone back there:
as a visitor returning into history
to the rugged works
of people seven hundred years older
to the strange language
each time less strange
to greetings by more friends than remembered
to towns
more like home than expected
at home
yet away from home
in a place that home will never be
You have come from one hundred places
and have gone back to fifty.
In thirty you felt things familiar
that somehow welcomed you.
In twenty-nine
the welcoming expectations are few,
and the mystery is great.
In one the expectations are many;
the mystery is thought to be gone.
As visitor,
you were at home in simple familiarity.
Here, in familiar complexity,
you are near-native.
Homes away from home:
freedom and wonder
at worst, dissipation
Home, itself, is a cave,
if on a great flat plain,
if in a sunlit treetop:
comfortable and enveloping
a base and a discipline
at worst, confinement.
"Coming and going")
(you might say)
"are just a matter of timing."
Timed poorly,
you may bounce
between confinement and dissipation.
Timed well,
you can float
between discipline and freedom.
In coming back and going back,
do choose well your timing.
Bob Komives :: Fort Collins © 1995 ::from: Thoughts on Coming Back and Going Back :: ,9524
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